Consulting Services
The best gift parents can give their children is facing their own fears and actively pursuing their own self-growth. The more tools you have in the toolbox of life, the more tools you can gift to your children so they can more effectively navigate their own lives'.
Jodi Parker
New Earth Parenting is my philosophy that encompasses all aspects of parenting, from the way you approach teaching and guiding your children, to the way you interact with your personal and worldly environments. It is about mutual respect between parent and child and honoring the wisdom of the child. It means making earth-friendly and body conscious choices--from following the Three R’s--Reduce, Reuse, & Recycle-- to eating organic and minimally processed foods, to choosing TRULY toxin-free body care and cleaning products, to treating your family’s health in a natural and holistic manner. Let me help you empower yourself to make great parenting choices for the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of your children--and in the process you will become healthier, too. Consultations can be done in-person or via Zoom.
Areas of Expertise
Natural Parenting Support--Including Natural remedies and holistic child rearing
Food Education--How to switch from conventional to organic foods, including avoiding allergens
How to avoid toxins in all areas of your family's life
Highly sensitive and high vibrational children
Natural pregnancy and birth, including home birth
Alternative and holistic treatments
Assistance with DNA mutations like MTHFR
Energy work for the entire family
Attachment Parenting
Caring for infants
Chronic conditions like allergies, asthma, ADHD, systemic yeast, etc.
Child Development
Discipline and Behavior
Vaccine Information
Truly green living