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Getting Paid

1. Get Active.

You cannot get paid unless you are active. Active status means you have personally bought 50 Business Volume (BV) worth of product. BV value and dollar value are not the same. The BV value is less than the dollar value. You can find the BV value for every product when you use the shopping link in your Dreams Technology Back Office. Just click on the shop link.


2. Having a Smart Order on file is CRITICAL.

It will insure your active status. It will double the  points you get for the Purium Rewards Program. It ensures that you are eligible for company promotions and bonuses. You will miss out on those bonuses if you do not have a smart order on file. It's also critical to make sure your customers and brand partners have a smart order for the above reasons.


To put in a smart order, click Account, Change Settings, Smart order. Make sure your smart order is for a minimum of 50BV. Customers can create a smart order in their iShoppurium account.


2. Purium Compensation Plan PDF. See below for a breakdown of ranks of what you need to qualify. 


3. Understand the difference between QV, BV, and CV.

This information can also be found in the Higher Living Purium Team Files HERE.

In a nutshell,

QV is Qualifying Volume. You receive QV for the purchase of a launch pack. It counts toward rank advancement but you do not get paid on it. Your personal purchases are also QV. There is not a separate QV tracking in your back office--it shows as BV.

BV is Business Volume. Business volume is a point value each product is given. It is less than the dollar amount you pay for it (roughly 75% of the dollar amount.) You are paid on the business volume of your downline--5% of their BV.

CV is Customer Volume. While you are paid on the BV of your downline , you are paid 20%-25% on the purchases of your direct customers. You are paid 20% of the total they buy, and receive a $50 bonus every time you reach the $1,000 mark. (Known as the 1K, 2K, 3K, etc Clubs.) The BV accrued by your personal customers counts as QV towards rank advancement. (That way you aren't getting paid on the same order twice.) 

You also get paid on your downline's customer sales--you get 5% of what they bought. And again, the BV of the order counts as QV towards rank advancement.

Finally, on a first time order, the enroller gets 25% rather than 20%.


4. Go for the Bonuses!


K Clubs

Go for the K Club $50 bonuses. It's an extra $50 for every $1,000 you sell (see above reference.)


Rank Advancement Bonuses:



You get $50 when you hit consultant. If you hit that rank within the first 10 days of enrolling, you and your enroller both get $100. (That's the FAST start program.) To qualify for consultant you need 1,000 BV/QV total, and 2 active people in your downline. An active person is defined by anyone who has bought 50BV or more (so customers count.)



Upon reaching Director you receive $200. If you achieve the rank of Director in your first month plus (the month you enroll plus the following month) you will receive $400 and so will your upline.

To advance to Director status, you need 3 active members (anyone who has spent 50BV in that month), and 2500 BV/QV. 



Upon reaching Executive you will receive a $500 Bonus. If you achieve the rank within the first 2 months plus, you and your enroller each get $1,000.

To reach Executive rank you need 4 active members, and 6,000 BV/QV.



 At the rank of Diamond and Above you receive a lifestyle bonus and company profit sharing. To reach the rank of Diamond you need 6 active members. You need 3 lines that have a consultant in them (consultants in the same line do not count for more than one.) And you need 15,000 BV. To receive the lifestyle bonus you must also do one of two things to qualify--Either you must be in the 1K club OR you must have a brand partner on your team that has hit the rank of consultant or above for the first time. That brand partner can come from anywhere in your line--they do not have to be on your first level.


5. Pay Periods

We get paid 5 times a month. We get paid on every Friday for our customer purchases (and the customer purchases from our downline), and we get paid monthly on the 15th for the previous months team totals and bonuses. The weekly pay periods go from Saturday to Friday, and you are paid the following Friday. If you have not been active, you must become active in the week of that pay period that a customer buys from you in order to be paid. If you are not active, the payment will go to your upline. A Smart Order on file for 50BV or more will protect you.

**FOR NEW BRAND PARTNERS OR THOSE THAT SKIPPED BUYING FOR A MONTH: A business launch pack is only QV. You must buy 50BV worth of product to be considered active. You will not be considered active until you make that purchase. This is true for new brand partners and those that skipped buying for one month. If you do not purchase 50BV within the same pay period as a customer buys from you, the compensation will skip you and be paid to your upline.


6. How Gift Cards effects Payment.

When a customer places an order for the first time, you only get paid on what they paid for. So the gift card does remove $50 off their total. It also removes 40BV off the total BV for the products they purchased.


7. Rank Advancement Qualifications


***For all ranks through executive you MUST have a 50BV PERSONAL order in.


BUILDER = 10- BV a day, 1 customer with 50BV or more. Total 300 Group volume

CONSULTANT = 2 customers/brand partners with 50 BV or more, 30 bv a day. Total 1,000 Group Volume

DIRECTOR = 3 customers/brand partners with 50 BV and 80 BV a day. Total 2500 Group Volume.

EXECUTIVE = 4 customers/brand partners with 50 BV order and 200 BV a day. Total 6,000 Group Volume


***For all ranks through the diamond legs you MUST have a 100BV PERSONAL order.


DIAMOND: 3 customers/brand partners with 50 BV order and 3 CONSULTANT LEGS (separate legs). 500BV a day. Total 15,000 Group Volume

GREEN DIAMOND: 3 customers/brand partners with 50 BV order and 3 DIRECTOR LEGS (separate legs). 1,000 BV a day. Total 30,000 Group Volume

BLUE DIAMOND: 3 customers/brand partners with 50 BV order and 3 EXECUTIVE LEGS (separate legs). 1,667 BV a day. Total 50,000 Group Volume

BLACK DIAMOND: 3 customers/brand partners with 50 BV order and 2 EXECUTIVE LEGS and 1 DIAMOND LEG (separate legs). 2500 BV a day. Total 75,000 Group Volume.

RED DIAMOND: 3 customers/brand partners with 50 BV order and 1 EXECUTIVE LEGS and 2 DIAMOND LEGS (separate legs). 3,333.33 BV a day. Total 100,000 Group Volume.


***For Crown levels you must buy 200 BV PERSONAL order


CROWN: 9 customers/brand partners with 50 BV order and 2 DIAMOND LEGS and 1 BLUE DIAMOND LEG (separate legs) or 50% rule. 5,000 BV a day. Total 150,000 Group Volume.

2-STAR CROWN: 9 customers/brand partners with 50 BV order and 1 DIAMOND LEGS and 2 BLUE DIAMOND LEG (separate legs) or 50% rule. 6,666 BV a day. Total 200,000 Group Volume.

3-STAR CROWN: 9 customers/brand partners with 50 BV order and 3 BLUE DIAMOND LEG (separate legs) or 50% rule. 10,000 BV a day. Total 300,000 Group Volume.

4-STAR CROWN: 8 customers/brand partners with 50 BV order and 4 BLUE DIAMOND LEGs (separate legs)or 50% rule. 13,333 BV a day. Total 300,000 Group Volume.

5-STAR CROWN: 7 customers/brand partners with 50 BV order and 5 BLUE DIAMOND LEGs (separate legs) or 50% rule. 16,666BV a day. Total 500,000 Group Volume.

ROYAL CROWN 1: 9 customers/brand partners with 50 BV order and 3 CROWNS (separate legs).25,000 BV a day. Total 750,000 Group Volume.

ROYAL CROWN 2: 9 customers/brand partners with 50 BV order and 3 CROWNS (separate legs). 33,333 BV a day. Total 1,00,000 Group Volume.





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