1. iLearn
In your back office at backoffice.mypurium.com iLearn you will find all training materials.
2. Use your knowledge base.
In the back office on the upper right hand side of a desk/laptop you'll see a little book, or under the menu on the phone you will find the knowledge base link at the bottom. Lots of corporate information, product information, compensation information, etc. You can search the database. If you don't know an answer to a question this is a good place to start. There is also a chat feature to connect with Customer service in the knowledge base once you hit the rank of Executive.
3. Customer Service
Monday thru Friday 7am to 6pm Pacific Standard Time
4. Purium Vimeo Channel
Are you a visual learner? There are lots and lots of videos about Purium, about the products, training videos, etc. on this channel. Go here https://vimeo.com/puriumhealthproducts
5. Purium App
The app is part of your back office subscription and can be downloaded directly onto your phone. You can send videos, PDF's, gift card code, etc. straight from the APP. You will find App training here
6. Higher Living Purium Team Photo Albums
Lots of memes to share, and information on products, compensation, etc. There are a couple of pages of them so make sure you browse through them all to see what's there. There is a whole album on just products (it's alphabetical). You'll also find a testimonial album and a before/after transformation album. Here's the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1416906605002120/photos/?filter=albums
7. Higher Living Purium Team Files
In the team group under "files" you will find lots and lots of information. Again, browse them to see what is in there.
8. Read "The Green Foods Bible"
When you signed on as a Brand Partner you received this amazing resource. It will help you feel more knowledgeable about the green products.
9. Use Ishoppurium as a resource.
Each product page shows the product label, usage, and ingredients. Under "Videos and more" it will also have links to the Purium website, videos, any research, etc.
10. Check out the Purium Blog
You can find the link to the Purium blog at the very bottom of the main page on ishoppurium. It's also links right here: http://blog.puriumcorp.com
11. Use this website product page to give you a good overview of Purium.
If you got here through a direct link, click on products at the top of this page and click on Purium. That is my personal website Purium page.
12. Check our Higher Living Journey's YouTube Page. There's a Purium playlist.
13. Purium Lifestyle Guide
This explains all the difference 10 day and 40 day programs, the flex foods, etc. For someone who may not be able to handle a strong detox up front, you can have them switch the 40 day program around, ending with the 10 day transformation rather than beginning with it. Link to the guide is HERE. It is also linked on every bundle product page.
14. Drop in with Dave
Co-Founder and formulator Dave Sandoval is going live on Youtube and Instagram. Check out his channel HERE.
15. A Purium Transformation Story
Created by Crown Rachel Balunstadt, this takes someone step by step through a 40 day cleanse. https://spark.adobe.com/page/5jjanPl9Jl7tU/?fbclid=IwAR0_yf7eOHszE0kDdbSmyPjI_y6zyPgwOC9cZXjaaBU9DHnjvuP3QZx0sp0
16. Million Mom Movement
17. Product Education
From the Unconvention recorded event April 2020--Dave Sandoval Zoom on Products
18. Scripts
Click HERE for sample scripts you can use when talking to potential brand partners and customers. (This is in process.)