This is a getting started resource for new Lifewave Brand Partners on Jodi Parker's team. Please bookmark this page in a Lifewave folder on your computer as it is not a public page. Feel free to send this page to your newly signed brand partners to help them get started. Replication is the key to this business.
5. Patch Resources
3. Training/Overview Details
6. Helpful Videos/Resources
The Basics
life wave.com/yourname​
Renate Lundberg -- Team Leader --Rank: Senior Presidential Director
Lori DelFosse (Lori RN) -- Jodi's enroller-- Rank: Executive Director
Jodi Parker (creator of this page) -- Rank: Director
Your Enroller Here (may be multiple people between them and Jodi)
In order to manage volume and time, please always start with your direct enroller when asking questions. If they don't know the answer they will move it up the chain. HOWEVER, all upline members are happy to help support you. This request is simply to best manage team resources.
This website is for the ENTIRE team that is under Senior Presidential Director Renate Lundberg. There is a vetting process for this. You will receive an email when you have been approved to access the website. Do NOT share this with anyone who is not on our team. The website is for brand partners only. It is not to be shared with potential brand partners or customers. I built this website so if you see areas where you need more support please bring it directly to me. This website has everything you need to get started in your Lifewave business.
You are responsible for ensuring your team members are added to the groups and chats.
Testimonials for the Public
Use this page to share with potential brand partners and customers. Also a good place to find stories you can share with others
Affordable Light Therapy 4 You
Business Group (Senior Presidential Director Renate Lundberg's Team--See "featured" section for helpful training topics)
Company Business group (you will need your Member ID)
FB Messenger group
Lifewave Friends -- This is for announcements only. Please take discussions to private messages in order to limit the number of texts.
(You will need to add your new brand partners to this chat)
As you build your team, please start your own messenger chat for the people personally enrolled to you. In this way we create a manageable, duplicatable system as the team grows.
Phone App
Lifewave In Touch
On this app you will find all the resources you need -- from videos to marketing resources to patch placement support.
Training/Overview Schedule
Lori RN Team Specific
All Times Eastern

Schedule Details
Descriptions related to each color on the schedule
The Orange
Renate Team Trainings
Developed by the team leaders on Renate's full team, these calls are trainings for your business.
Use Zoom
​https://zoom.us/j/5362846915 passcode: light
The Yellow
Lifewave Overviews
Please invite your prospective customers and brand partners to these overviews. 8 out of 10 people who attend invest in the product. It is the best way to build your business. It creates a triangle of trust (see the team training website for more.) See section below this one for schedule with zoom links. Copying and pasting the schedule into the notes on your phone makes it easy to share with potentials.
Zoom links vary--see below
The Pink
Patch Support Calls
These calls are for ANYONE WHO ALREADY HAS PATCHES. Come get your questions answered. Also a great call to listen in on to learn about what each patch does and unique, advanced patch placement outside of the company's clinically tested spots.
Use Zoom
​https://zoom.us/j/5362846915 passcode: light
The Green
Events Specific to Lori RN's team
Subsets of the larger team have their own events. The events outlined in green are specific to Lori RN's team and will not be reflected on the Team Training website schedule. The trainings on Friday are specifically for us, and the overviews are more product based. The other overviews for the wider team also include the business as part of the overview.
Lori's Zoom
https://zoom.us/s/4011117777 passcode: healthy (case sensitive) Zoom ID 401 111 7777
The Blue
Lifewave Corporate Events
Two a month. The first Wednesday of the month is the CEO/Inventor, David Schmidt, speaking about the products. The third Wednesday of the month is corporate business training.
The Purple
Dr. Karen Kan MD/Acupuncturist
Dr. Kan has been wth Lifewave for 19 years. Her presentations support specific health topics and she shares more advanced patch placement protocols. Her calls are recorded and placed in the Lifewave Rockstars FB group under featured. These are excellent calls for product training and to share with potentials.
Zoom ID 848 2375 7707 passcode healthy
The Overviews
Overview Topics and Links
Using Your Patches
Dr. Karen Kan's Website (Acupuncturist/MD)
Patch Placement Instructions (All except x39 & X49 & Alavida)
Alavida Overview
X39 Product video
Acupuncture Points & Meridian Resource
PDF to send to Customers when they get their patches

Please Note: In your Lifewave Back office under the "Resources" Tab there are a lot of helpful educational and marketing resources for building your business.
X39--All the Studies, info, etc (UK BP Site) (**Please do not share this website with potential customers as this will lead them to another team)
This is Lifewave (company overview)
Lifewave: The Business Opportunity
What is Phototherapy
David's story, how LW began, how the technology works, and how the individual patches support our body to great health..
David Schmidt Explains X39 to Health Care Practitioners
Youtube Lifewave Channel